What was your favorite detail of the day? “My favorite detail was the first look, because it was just he and I even just for those few minutes it was just he and I. The rest of the evening is so busy and your trying to see everyone and embrace them but you don’t get very much time to embrace each other.”
What advice would you give to a Bride to be? “Keep it simple. Don’t stress about so many details, I feel like unfortunately the pressure is so high on brides to one up each other or have the best of the best, that we forget what this is all about: your happiness and your marriage. I wanted my wedding to concentrate on love and how happy we are. I even paid attention to that with the guest list. Only invite those who fill your cup up and support you not the ones in your facebook newsfeed with their daily drama.”
Photos by Amanda C. Blake Photography
Absolutely beautiful!! May God continue to bless Francois, Dannah, and Jude. This is a beautiful article of love. GOD bless y’all!! Much love!!!
The cake was absolutely gorgeous, the preparer Brittany Meeks Farr is fabulous. Hope y’all have a wonderful life together.